I was informed of a tenesegrity sphere by a visionary thinker named Buckminster Fuller.
When a tensegrity sphere is built it does not take on its shape until the last strut is put into place. You cannot see “where” you are going until you “there.” Trust until clarity. It is then held together by tension and compression. Same as our body. The sphere is light and strong with it’s lightness and strength growing exponentially as the sphere expands.
I had a dream with Bucky. It took place in my maternal grandmother’s home. The long table in the living room is set for a Thanksgiving dinner. I see an older couple to the right of the head of table. They are facing the east. I walk to see who they are as I know they are not a part of the family. As they sit, I arrive on the older man’s left. I see that it is Bucky and his wife. He sees me. They both stand, move over a seat and he gestures for me to sit in the seat he just left.
The practical aspect of this tattoo is that it is being placed over an area of my spine where there is/was a compression fracture. I would like that area of my body to be supported in a non-physical way. I would like my heart to be protected omni-directionally. What protects my heart is permeable and open. It’s protection nonetheless.
This tattoo is part of what I’m presenting/selling to the world. It’s my brand. I don’t need to wait to be inspired by my work to get this tattoo. That’s the path of the student. In this, I am the teacher. I can use the tattoo as a daily reminder that I’m committed to learning, expanding, and shifting my perspective — on pain and everything else. As a reminder that I am a representation of this journey of grabbing life by the balls and experiencing that which I choose consciously to experience. I am ready to speak and live a truth. I am ready to inspire others. Which I am already doing. I am also about to do a lot more of it. The tattoo is part of this. A built-in talking point. And just in time for a whole new crop of others to see it, ask about it, and live it.
It inspires me. It reminds me that I am not a fraud. That I matter. And having it in a private spot may do even more to convince me.
Given the placement behind my heart, it is also creating protection from that which may try to weasel into my experience without my conscious permission. I am already consciously protecting my heart. Now I am beefing up my security by hiring a bouncer for the back. But this bouncer’s job is not to beat people up or intimidate. Its job is to protect, inspire, teach, and transmute. And it has a big job to do, considering how many humans are about to be part of my experience. The ones with open hearts, I don’t have to worry about. They’ll meet me face to face, as they’ll be drawn to my light. The ones who can’t or won’t meet me face to face will instead be met by my strong, protective, loving bouncer, who will guide them to the front side of me/my heart, if they’re able, and guide the rest of them lovingly away from my experience.
It’s nice that I will have my own back!