I teach yoga. I love it.
I share my experience. I stay out of your way and inspire a practical optimism. Slow, deliberate, focused and intense. Do a class. Go out into the world. Heaven is here now.
In seeing through the false light of scarcity, the vitality of our natural being surfaces. Ideological tensions dissipate. Desires become doable and whole. Fullness happens. Spirit aligns. Having faith in humanity, I am convinced that a revolutionary narrative of “there is enough to go around” is here now, real and doable. I like to operate with a gentle and unforced largesse. I have a trickster’s mind and a warm heart. I love words such courage, heart, sincerity, liberty and freedom. The old goofy stuff that matters.
Your experience is your sutra. Your body is your prayer. I respect that. The space is held for whatever transformation you need to happen at that moment. The humor is there. The intensity is there. The focus, work and care are there. And you leave full and feeling good.
It’s your movie. Be the hero and heroine you want to become.